Member-only story
Random Musings of a Dead Man — Part 1

Take a moment to close your eyes. Imagine you are in the heart of a thick dense forest and take a deep breath in through your nose. Can you smell that earthy scent of life along with the sweet smell of the berries from the palm trees mixed with a delicate fragrance from the Rafflesia flower? I would be very surprised if you could, as you were supposed to close your eyes at the start of this so how you have carried on reading will forever be a mystery.
Maybe you have picked this up a few hundred years in the future and everyone reads in Braille or maybe someone with no life decided to take the time to turn it into an audiobook. Who knows, the possibilities are endless and I cannot wait to see what turns out.
Anyway, before I digress, let’s get back to it. You are in a forest.
If you have ever been to a forest then you will notice a few things. Some are startlingly obvious and I will not bore you with going over them, but some are not so “stand out” until you have spent enough time to become aware. The main one of these subtleties is how each sound made by the wildlife that inhabits it is, for the most part, hushed. Each animal only makes a sound when absolutely necessary unless they are high in the trees feeling a false sense of security and smugness. On the ground, they scamper and hide like shadows trying to avoid being…